Máximo {adj} (informal: best) |
Dominador {m}, Dominadora {f} {n} (BDSM: dominant partner in a BDSM relationship or roleplay) |
Trompo {m}, Pirinola {f} {n} (child’s spinning toy) |
Top {m}, Prenda Superior {f}, Prenda De Arriba {f} {n} (garment worn to cover the torso) |
Activo {m}, Hombre Penetrador {m}, [Mexico] Camote {m} {n} (gay sexual slang: gay man who likes to penetrate in anal sex) |
Tapa {f}, Cubierta {f}, Tapadera {f} {n} (lid, cap, cover) |
Cofa {f} {n} (top of a ship's mast) |
Cima {f}, Parte Superior {f}, Parte De Más Arriba {f} {n} /tɑp/ (uppermost part) |
Cabecera {f} {n} (uppermost part of a visual field) |
Ser Exitoso, Ser Un éxito, Rendir, Sobresalir, Rematar {v} (excel) |
Cubrir {v} (to cover on the top or with a top) |
Despuntar {v} (to cut or remove the top) |
Parte Superior |
Peonza |