Golpe {m} {n} (blow) |
Golpe {m} {n} (golf: single act of striking the ball) |
Trazo {f} {n} (line drawn with a pen or pencil) |
Apoplejía {f}, Accidente Cerebro Vascular {m} {n} (loss of brain function due to loss of blood flow to the brain) |
Brazada {f} {n} (particular style of swimming) |
Remada {f} {n} (rowing: movement of an oar or paddle through water) |
Golpe {m} {n} (single movement with a tool) |
Pincelada {f} {n} (streak made with a brush) |
Caricia {f} {n} /stroʊk/ (act of stroking) |
Acariciar {v} (to move one's hand or an object over the surface of) |
Carrera |