Rato {m}, Período {m} {n} (indefinite period of time) |
Encantamiento {m}, Hechizo {m} {n} (magical effect of such incantation) |
Berrinche {m}, Pataleta {f} {n} (period of illness, outburst of bad spirits) |
Encanto {m}, Hechizo {m}, Conjuro {m}, Brujería {f} {n} /spɛl/ (magical incantation) |
Descifrar {v} (figuratively, to clarify) |
Deletrear {v} (to compose a word) |
Anunciar, Presagiar {v} (to indicate that some future event will occur) |
Deletrear {v} (to write or say the letters that form a word) |
Deletrear |
Hechizo |