Rollo {m} {n} (a cylindrical twist of tobacco) |
Retumbo {m} {n} (a heavy, reverberatory sound) |
Registro {m} {n} (an official or public document) |
Rollo {m} {n} (a scroll) |
Rodillo {m} {n} (one of a set of revolving cylinders between which metal is pressed) |
Balanceo {m} {n} (oscillating movement of a vessel from side to side) |
Rollo {m} {n} (quantity of cloth wound into a cylindrical form) |
Rosca {f} {n} (shortened raised biscuit or bread) |
Rosca {f}, Rollo {m} {n} (that which is rolled up) |
Rodeador {m}, Rodeadora {f} {n} (that which rolls; a roller) |
Ruedo {m}, Rodeo {m} {n} (the act of rolling) |
Redoble {m}, Redoblamiento {m}, Redobladura {f} {n} (the uniform beating of a drum) |
Rodar {v} (geometry: to apply (one line or surface) to another without slipping) |
Rodar, Rodear {v} /ɹoʊl/ (to cause to revolve) |
Redoblar {v} (to beat with rapid, continuous strokes, as a drum) |
Envolver, Embrollar {v} (to bind or involve by winding) |
Rodar {v} (to drive or impel forward with an easy motion) |
Rodar {v} (to move, or cause to be moved, upon rollers or small wheels) |
Allanar {v} (to press or level with a roller) |
Reflexionar, Reflejar {v} (to turn over in one's mind) |
Enroscar {v} (to wrap round on itself) |
Rodar |