Duda {f}, Cuestión {f} {n} (doubt or challenge about the truth) |
Moción {f}, Cuestión {f}, Asunto {m}, Tema {m} {n} (formal proposal to a meeting as a topic for discussion and vote) |
Pregunta {f}, Cuestión {f} {n} /ˈkwɛstʃən/ (sentence which asks for information) |
Incógnita {f}, Duda {f}, Interrogante {n} (something unknown) |
Tema {m}, Asunto {m}, Tópico {m}, Cuestión {f} {n} (topic under discussion) |
Preguntar, Consultar, Cuestionar, Interrogar {v} (ask questions of) |
Cuestionar, Poner En Tela De Juicio, Dudar {v} (raise doubts about) |
Pregunta |
Pregunta |