Plato {m} {n} (a course at a meal) |
Placa {f}, Lámina {f} {n} (a flat metallic object) |
Plato {m} {n} (contents of a plate) |
Placa {f} {n} ((dentistry) dental plate) |
Placa {f} {n} ((engineering, electricity) electrode) |
Armadura {f} {n} ((historical) plate armour) |
Plato {m} {n} /pleɪt/ (dish from which food is served or eaten) |
Placa {f} {n} ((printing) engraved surface used to transfer an image to paper) |
Grabado {m} {n} ((printing, photography) image or copy) |
Lámina {f} {n} ((printing, publishing) full page illustration) |
Matrícula {f}, Placa {f} {n} (vehicle license) |
Chapar {v} (to cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material) |
Plato |