Doble {adj} /ˈdʌb.əɫ/ (Made up of two matching or complementary elements) |
Doble {adj} (Designed for two users) |
Doble {adj} (False, deceitful, or hypocritical) |
Doblado, Bicapa {adj} (Folded in two; composed of two layers) |
Doble {adj} (Having two aspects; ambiguous) |
Doble {adj} (Of flowers, having more than the normal number of petals) |
Encorvado, Doblado {adj} (Stooping; bent over) |
Doble {adj} (Twice the quantity) |
Doble {n} (a drink with double amount of alcohol) |
Doble, Sosias {n} (a person resembling or standing for another) |
Doble {m} {n} (twice the number or size etc) |
Doblar {v} (bridge: to make a call that will double certain scoring points) |
Doblar {v} |
Circunnavegar {v} (nautical: to sail around sthg) |
Ser Doble De, Hacer De Doble De {v} (to act as substitute) |
Apretar {v} (to clench) |
Duplicar {v} (to copy) |
Doblar {v} (to fold over so as to make two folds) |
Duplicar La Velocidad {v} (to go at twice the normal speed) |
Duplicar {v} (to increase by 100%) |
Emparejar {v} (to join) |
Duplicar {v} (to multiply by two) |
Duplicar, Acumular Doblemente {v} (to multiply the effect or strength of by two) |
Hacer Las Veces De {v} (to serve two roles) |
Doblar, Torcer {v} (to turn sharply) |
Doble |