Cambio {m}, [Colombian Regional Usage] Devueltas {f}, [Spain] Vuelta {f}, [Colombian Standard Usage] Vueltas {f} {p}, [Latin America Except Mexican Standard Usage] Vuelto {m} {n} (money given back) |
Cambio {m}, Calderilla {f} [Spain - Specifically Coins], [Spain - Specifically Coins] Chatarra {f}, [Northern Mexico] Feria {f}, [Caribbean Islands, Colombian Atlantic Coast, Costa Rica, Southeastern Mexico] Menudo {m}, [Mexico - Specifically Coins] Morralla {f}, [Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Northwestern Argentina, Panama, Peru, Southern And Southeastern Mexico, Venezuela] Sencillo {m}, [Ecuador, Spain, Regional Usage In Mexico - In Full : Dinero Suelto] Suelto {m}, [Southeastern Mexico] Vuelto {m} {n} (small denominations of money given in exchange for a larger denomination) |
Cambio {m}, Modificación {f}, Mutación {f}, Evolución {f} {n} /tʃeɪndʒ/ (the process of becoming different) |
Cambiar, Modificar, Mutar {v} |
Cambiar, Demudarse {v} (to become something different) |
Cambiar, Demudar, Modificar {v} (to make something into something different) |
Cambiarse {v} (to replace one's own clothing) |
Reemplazar, Cambiar, Recambiar {v} (to replace) |
Cambio |
Cambiar |