Banco {m}, Bajío {m} {n} (an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank) |
Banca {f}, Banco {m} {n} /bæŋk/ (institution) |
Banco {m}, Sucursal {f} {n} (branch office of such an institution) |
Banca {f} {n} (controller of a card game) |
Ribera {f}, Orilla {f} {n} (edge of river or lake) |
Talud {m}, Terraplén {m} {n} (embankment, an earth slope) |
Ladeo {m} {n} (incline of an aircraft) |
Hilera {f}, Teclado {m} {n} (row of keys on a musical or typewriter keyboard) |
Hilera {f} {n} (row or panel of items) |
Banco {m}, Almacén {m} {n} (storage for important goods) |
Tener La Cuenta En {v} (to deal with a bank or financial institution) |
Amontonar, Apilar {v} (to form into a bank) |
Ladearse {v} (to incline laterally in order to turn) |
Ladear {v} (to make incline in turn) |
Ahorrar, Depositar, [Spain] Ingresar {v} (to put into bank) |
Banco |
Banco |